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Fabric Cutting Tutorial



These tutorials are intended to be helpful advice to beginner cosplayers. I am by no means an expert at sewing.

Tutorial made by me. Do not reproduce.

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5100x6600px 7.08 MB
MP640 series
© 2012 - 2024 koumori-no-hime
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N-Hyuman80's avatar
I personally find it easier to have the fabric on the carpet, because solid ground, or cardboard, is, on it's own, rather slippery, whereas carpet gives has a sort of "grip".

Also, rather than try to have the pattern piece itself ON the fabric as you cut, trace the outline of the pattern before hand with chalk or sharpie even, as the patterns usually give enough excess for sewing anyway.(also trying to cut with that really tissue-y pattern piece on it is really annoying [in my opinion])

And tossing the fabric in the dryer for a few minutes is easier than trying to iron it all(depending on type of fabric and amount)

P.S. Do make sure to plot out where all the pieces of your pattern are going to lay out on your fabric thoroughly before you even start cutting, otherwise you'll have a lot of scrap fabric you're likely to be unable to use.

P.P.S. Sorry, I'm probably no more of an expert than you are, just thought the tutorial was missing things.